Sunday 24 November 2013

Visual Effects Research

In our script there were 6 shots that contained special effects. Even though some of these special effects are the same, I will list and briefly explain each special effect along with including an instructional video explaining how to create that effect.

Shot 18 - Fire on Hand

This special effect is the basis of our story and clearly demonstrates the quality of upcoming special effects as well as setting the scene. In this shot Jason clicks his fingers and a flam appears.

Shot 20 - Smoke From Hand
This effect happens when Alexis swats the flame out on Jason's hand. This visual effect signifies the end of Jason's magical tirade.

Shot 23 - Blue Hue on Ground
In this shot we decided to feature a Blue Hue on the ground around Alexis. This is important as it signifies Alexis getting increasingly angry and out of control. The ground turns a frosty blue.
This will be done in After Effects by creating a wrap around layer and adding colour layers to that mask to create the blue Hue effect.

Shot 29 - Steam Around Alexis and Jason's Arms
This happens because Jason cures Alexis' power from happening beyond her control. We decided to include this effect because it signified a power, and a change of happening between Alexis and Jason.
We can use the instructional video used for shot 20 for shot 29. As it is based around the same principles.

Shot 31 - Ice Forms Around Alexis
This effect occurs because Alexis reaches a state of anger that causes ice to form around her. We included this effect because we wanted to demonstrate the extremeness of Alexis' power. 

Shot 31 special effect concludes the special visual effects that we used in our short film.

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