Monday 11 November 2013

P1: Misfits Opening Scene Character Dialogue Analysis

What is the purpose of the Dialogue Used?
The purpose of the dialogue that was used is to convey the character body language and their background through their dialogue. Through their accents, how they speak and how they react we as the viewer get a greater understanding of their background and upbringing and from it we can establish how they will act throughout the series.

Each character is very unique and that is shown very clearly through how each one of them acts individually.

Nathan is the most dominant character shown in the opening clip. He comes across as the person who speaks up. The way Nathan speaks is in a very arrogant and sarcastic tone. He can also be very mocking and sharp with what he says which quickly causes people to react either harshly or understandingly. Nathan is very confident and holds himself well in a conversation or within a group of people. 

Whilst only using basic vocabulary Nathan uses his words in such a menacing and manipulative way that its clear he doesn't need story diverse vocabulary. He uses words such as "Didn't mean to offend you" To have a go at other people and cause confict between him and other people as well. There is no swearing in Nathan's vocabulary and that is very important. Where as other characters would shout and swear Nathan does not, he uses alternative words to get his point across.

Nathan has a very blunt and clean Irish accent. He uses his accent well when he speaks to manipulate people and put them down. He uses his accent to bend the conversation in his favour. From his accent we understand that he was raised in middle class irish background family.

Tone and Volume
Nathan's tone of voice is very Sarcastic, mocking, sharp and confident this is clear from the clip and how is responds to his fellow workers. We get a sense of false politeness as he speaks in response to Gary as he says "You looking to get stabbed" Nathan responds saying "You see my point there" Undermining Gary. Nathan is very cheeky in his responses making fun of people around him and who is speaking to.

Aleisha is the second most dominant character that we hear in this scene and that is very apparent. Aleisha is very forthcoming and makes that clear through the way she dresses and speaks.

Aleisha uses basic vocabulary including many slang words in all of her sentences. In the typical "Cockney" Manor. Aleisha is not afraid to use curse words to get her point across if she needs too. Aleisha generally uses nasty vocabulary that puts people down, she makes people feel small. All of these things combined gives us the viewer the idea that she was raised lower class, maybe on the streets in a part of London.

Aleisha's accent is based from London which makes it clear that she was raised in London. She has built up "Cockney" Accent slang also. This tells us, along with how he accent is presented in the clip, that she was raised in London and portraits a bad London image in how she speaks and acts.

Tone and Volume
She is very dominant in conversations when she is raised. She likes to be heard and have her say in a discussion. She has a cheeky and murky undertone in her voice which she uses to dig at people.

Gary comes across as over confident and at most times cocky. Often at times his responses are quick and to the point. he likes to make himself clear and dominate any argument  He uses vocabulary such as "You looking to get stabbed" Which says to us to the viewer that he has had a bad background in violence or possible murder related things. Fowl language is used in all of what Gary says and he often breaks out into fights.

Curtis is quiet throughout the clip and we hear very little from him. What we do get is that he doesn't like the situation he is in. He has obviously wronged in the past and thats why he is doing community service. We get that Curtis is very reflective in his dialogue. He is also very calm and its difficult for him to get aggravated. He just looks on discerningly.

Kelly is the character that says the second from least amount in the clip. In the clip she has two lines which consist of her having a go at Curtis, accusing him of thinking he is better than the group. From her lines we get the idea that she is very clear in the point that she wants to get across but sometimes says the wrong things to get across what she is trying to say moreover her accent, which is very deep Liverpudlian mixed with London, so its very hard to understand most times.

Simon says nothing in the clip so we can only comment on his body language. Simon comes across as a shy individual with a hidden misunderstood past. Simon can be confident in the way he looks at other people but not when he is raised in a conversation.

Analysis taken from Misfits S1E1    -4OD []

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