Tuesday 19 November 2013

Short Story Team Production Meeting: Monday 18th Nov

Team Production Meeting
Group Name: Lenseflare and co.
Date: 18/11/13

Who was Present: Tom Adams, Adam Duffield, Rory Forrester
Agenda; Discussing progress so far in the script choice and assessment as well as our ideas for redrafting the script.
Script Assessment: This was the process in which each script was evaluated in terms of Entertainment, Feasibility and Visual FX.
Script Choice: When final choice stages were made we decided to go for CATBUG by Adam Duffield.
Ideas For Redrafting: We decided in the end stages that the script CATBUG did not need any further changing or redrafting, this was because it already contained all the elements needed to use it finally.

Script Assessment: 
Each script was evaluated in terms of Entertainment, Feasibility and Visual FX
See reviewing document below;

Script Choice:
We decided to develop the chosen script CatBug further, we chose this scrip because it combined many things that we thought were every good to include for example, the way the script was laid out meant that we could use a diverse and wide range of sound /visual effects. Also the CatBug script was great because we could combine many different camera shots together. We found the script to be very entertaining to the viewer because it combined lots of special effects, which are found entertaining, as expressive dialogue which set the scene well.


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