Thursday 28 November 2013

Team Production Meeting: 28th November 2013

Team Discussion: Results of test shoot yesterday.
Who was Present: Rory Forrester, Adam Duffield, Tom Adams

What Went Wrong: 

  • Pre equipment checks were not carried out before we left for filming.
  • We did not account for special effects that needed to be in shot, for example A finger was in the way of where the flame would be in the special effect.
  • The colour effect would not fade in and out to create a greater effect.

Struggle in terms of After Effects:
  • Basic knowledge of the use of after effects.
  • Lack of knowledge in doing specific effects, for example adding different layers and masks.
  • Getting suited to and getting used to using after effects.
What Do We Need to Learn?
  • Learn to get used to using After Effects.
  • Learn more of each specific Tool to create different effects.
  • We need to learn more of the tools in After Effects more than just the basic tools. 
What Assets Do We Need?
  • Props: Stones
  • Props: Lighter?
  • Makeup /Costume: Casual Wear
  • CGI: No CGI is required.

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