Sunday 10 November 2013

P1: Short Story Pitch

The Hero in my story is a character called Geoff and Geoff is part of a specially selected elite group of young individuals that have been selected to be trained and brought through the ranks at Our Lady Alliance Academy. Our Lady is an especially built training complex in Russia where young people selected from all over the globe come together to train to become part of the elite Allegiance known as "Our Lady Alliance". Our Lady Allegiance is a first class organisation set up by world leaders as an international Army. Our Lady is unique in that it uses modern fighting technology including medival Magic, potions and fighting tactics. When Geoff arrives he encounters the chance to uncover the uncover the true magical spell that is bound over the academy. Later on during his stay he realises that he was not only selected to be trained in that academy but he was also selected to uncover the truth behind the colleague and how it originated. Unfortunately there is conflicting souls within the academy that inhabits people and objects to defend the academy from Geoff who is trying to seek the truth.

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