Tuesday 4 February 2014

Self Project Review | Appraising the Rough Cut

There are now as an individual many aspects of our project to consider - audio, special effects and the overall quality of the sequence. Through this extensive synopsis I hope to work through said elements.

The dialogue featured in the film is very strong and it is hard to fault. It is fully audible throughout with virtually no non audible sections. Sometimes certain lines can be repeated unintentionally in the film for example in a different shot or worded differently.
Sound FX
The sound effects in the film were subtle although showed through more clear to the viewer at certain times. The majority of sound effects featured were to fulfil the realness of the special effects and therefore make the film more complete.
The music in my rough cut is subtly slotted behind the footage which gives the sequence a real narrative and expresses the true expressions and feelings of the characters through to the viewer via the music.

How I intend to improve element
I intend to improve the Audio by reshooting the shots this will improve the dialogue quality recording. I aim to add more sound effects to the composition which will improve the overall quality of the piece and add more finesse to the final product, these special effects sound effects will be most likely to be in the video special effects section to add more realism to the clips.

Special Effects
The special effects in my film are very basic and not very realistic. I would like to improve these as they do not express the narrative of the film well and leave the viewer disappointed wanting more from the film. They fit well into the story line and explaining narrative as it fits well into the discussion between the two characters, They are just done not to a high standard which means they are not expressing the narrative well.

How I intend to improve element
I intend to improve the special effect in which there is a really obvious mask around the flame. I will improve this by creating a raw special effect composition rather than importing video and creating a mask. This needed to be done in my opinion because it looked very amateur to have a flame with a mask around it and it could of been done better.

Set Dressing
The Set is Dressed accordingly in the film. There are multiple elements in the background which make it seem like it is set at the front entrance of a college. We ensured this to retain realism in the piece. We ensured to film near an entrance path as well as car park to achieve this.
The Acting in our film I feel was good although at certain parts that slipped for example the last shot where they are seen running away. That could of been acted better to reveal more about the story line and characters.
The composition is laid out logically as it makes clear sense to the viewer furthermore we ensured that it was laid out well and structured accordingly so the view knew exactly what they were watching.
The editing in my rough cut I thought was very basic although covered all the major bases of editing that it needed to. For example all the clips flowed in an appropriate manor that makes sense to the viewer watching. Although fundamental expectations were met more technical aspects of the editing were not achieved. For example there were places where Continuity Editing needed to be implemented at the beginning of the film and that is very obvious when they are walking.

How I intend to improve element
I intend to improve the sequence by paying more attention to the way that clips are laid out so they make more sense to the viewer.

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