Friday 28 February 2014

Research | Recording Foley Sound and Sound Effects

Foley Artists
Foley Artists are people who record Foley Sound for a video or piece of Media. More famous Foley Artists record sounds for Movies the majority of the time. A good example of a Foley Artist would be Ben Burtt who created all the sounds for the Starwars films as well as the Wall-e movie by Disney Pixar. 

Creation Order
In order to create Foley Sound a few essential stages are needed, these include putting yourself as the recorder into the mind of the viewer and imagine what the viewer would like to see. Then you would need to choose the appropriate set for the sound as well as the props to create that sounds. It would then be recorded and put into audio editing software. From there it would be in the post production stages and be taken onto the film editor.

Key Skills and Qualities Needed
To become a Foley Sound recorder you need many attributes you need to have the creative ability to be able to decide on each of the props you will use as well as the set dressing which can be put towards the recording. Alternatively another attribute needed is the persistency to retain a healthy outlook on the project, especially when things are not going to plan in the long run and the ability to amend previous mistakes. The ability to work fast is also essential.

Creating Original Material
It's important to create original material rather then relying on previously produced material because you can trust your own work and sources, you know how it is produced. Rather then getting your audio samples from an unknown music library and source. You cannot trust how they are made or their quality.

Sound Creator Ben Burtt talks on how Starwars films are made.

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