Tuesday 25 February 2014

Audio Analysis | Detailed Notes

Music helps the narrative to build and music helps the overall structure of a piece. Moreover music helps with the story telling and narrative within a clip and helps the viewer uncover and discover more of the narrative behind a piece.
Music helps to generate mood and atmosphere moreover it triggers an emotional response within the viewer that would not be able to be transferred through other content, video as an example. Music informs the viewer about the location and time that the video or other content is set within. Music can be based around a character and their personalities these are called Character Motifs and can be reoccurring within a piece. Diagetic sound is ambient sound within a shot that has not been manually handled or tampered with. Non-Diagetic sound is sound that has been added in post production moreover sound tracks and sound effects may be added, these would be Non-Diagetic sounds.

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