Thursday 27 February 2014

Research | Recording Ambient Sounds and Dialogue

Recording Ambient Sound
Ambient Sound means the background sounds which are present in a scene or location. Common Ambient Sounds include wind, water, birds, crowds, office noises, traffic, etc.

Specific Example
Wall-e the film by pixar is main composed by multiple sound effects that require computers and composing sounds and then editing them through a computer system. Ben Burrt who created all the sound effects for the Starwars saga movies was employed and assigned by the Wall-e Movie creators to make all the sounds in the Film and he recorded all the effects himself also. He had previous experience with the equipment and knew what he is doing. The absolute majority of the sounds were recorded purposely to then be digitally edited.

Hard Cuts in Ambient Sound Recording
Hard Cuts in Ambient Sounds are sounds in the Ambient sector that dramatically change quickly moreover they are not encouraged to be used in Ambient Sound as it can distract the watcher and often confused. However it can be used effectively in some films but rarely.

Advantages of Filming on Scene
The Advantages of Filming on Scene is that you can achieve the filming of all Ambient Sound within the shot and not worry about going to a license free library or a chosen library to collect these sounds. Moreover this means that you achieve what you wanted within the shot from the get go.

Recording Dialogue
Looping means replacing spoken lines recorded on set or on location with audio recorded in the studio. This technique is used the majority of the time in voice over, moreover it is used effectively in films that deliberately need it to work.

Ambient Noise in Shooting Conversation Scenes
Ambient Noise is important in Conversation Scenes as it puts context into the scene and what the viewer is watching moreover if a film has a dialogue scene and there is no ambient noise it will be very alienated and inappropriate as the viewer will be confused.

Location Shooting Difficulties
Location Shooting shooting sounds can often be hindered because of the weather conditions at the time. These can be best avoided by adjusting your schedule to accommodate for these conditions, also for the correct time of day for traffic as an example.

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