Tuesday 7 January 2014

Possible Project Problems

People working on set during filming. Can be solved by asking them to wait or moving them along.

Too much traffic. Can be solved by waiting for traffic to pass or moving the traffic along. Also we can not film during rush hour or on the lead up to rush hour as there could be extra traffic during these times.

Bad lighting on set. This can be solved by adding extra external lights or in post production.

Keeping Concentration throughout the project. This can be solved by focusing more on the project and more major issues.

Minor Problems
Using various shot types. This can be solved by actively thinking of better shots that could be used. Pre planning our shots that we can use also, making sure they are not all mid or basic layout including lots of different features and points.

Bad weather. We can look up the weather and choose an appropriate day to shoot. Pre plan our filming session to ensure that weather is good.

Sound quality is poor. We can prevent this from happening by allowing more time to shoot and doing test shoots to ensure that all sound problems are eradicated.

Visual effects work. This can be solved by having more training before attempting the effects and shooting the footage in a different way.

Major Disasters
Actors not showing up. Remind them prior have backup actors ready on the day.

The camera breaks. Try not to break the camera in the first place by being careful with it. Choose a good day to take the camera out.

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