Tuesday 7 January 2014

Casting Notes | Alexis [Main Role]

For the role of Alexis we are looking for a Qwerky and interesting individual who has an outgoing personality. Furthermore someone who is not afraid to speak out when they have to and has a fiery personality. Although the person needs to be able to display a more intelligent and developed side.

We considered three people to play the main role of Alexis these people are Charlotte, Sophie and Amber.
We considered Charlotte to play the role of Alexis because she shows all the correct attributes to be considered with a predominant lean towards a fiery attitude side. 
We considered Sophie to play the role of Alexis because she fulfilled the view of Alexis being a natural down to earth girl fulfilling the intelligence trait very well also.
We considered Amber to play the role of Alexis because she showed a very bias towards the intelligence and qwerkiness traits. Also she showed a confident and fulfilling out look.

Sophie is our main character choice with Charlotte and Amber being the second Alternative people to act the role of Alexis.

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