Tuesday 14 January 2014

Gary Woolley | Health and Safety Talk

Today the Site Manager and overall Health and Safety Manager Gary Woolley came in to give a brief talk on Health and Safety within the college and more specifically the Media Department. The following notes were taken throughout.

The talk started briefly giving an overview of health and safety. Shortly Gary mentioned health and safety in more detail surrounding climbing onto benches and different objects. He then described this time of year and mentioned that multiple surfaces are slippery at this time of year and its best to avoid them or ask for a piece of carpet if we want to film on those surfaces. Paying closer attention to the amount of moss around at this time of year.
Discussion moved onto disruption in corridors and the fact that we have to be aware of other students around as well as using the various signs and props we are assigned to use to help assist other students in knowing we are present filming in that corridor.
When filming we have to take extra care when filming on stairs in the college as in the past there has been multiple accidents relating to filming on stairs.
It was emphasised that we need to take into account that we are not always audible and visible to other students especially in more concealed areas.

Gary Woolley | Health and Safety Talk

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