Wednesday 18 December 2013

Good Composition Photos | Still Life Animatic | Shattered Looking Glass

I had decided that this photo was a good one because it was shot in a dynamic way. Although most of the action is biased to one side, the background balances out the image offering an overall contrast. It also shows evidence of considering the rule of thirds.

I also chose this image because it was laid out well and it showed some narrative. It shows the character looking at the other character in a serious way which shows the viewer a story. Depth of focus was also used intentionally which creates two sides to the image, over all it creates a serious photo and therefore the viewer expects a serious narrative.

I chose this photo as a good photo because it combined many different professional photography elements including depth of field and rule of thirds, as well as balancing the image. All of these elements combined creates a great artistic photo that works well. The varied focus creates an element of confusing for the viewer and makes us pause. The whole image is not centred, it is spread throughout the shot which creates a bold and full on effect for the viewer.

I chose this photo because out of all the photos it offered the most narrative rich look. For the photo the viewer gets an idea of what is happening between the two characters, for example they might be walking away from fears, alternatively they could be going for a stroll. The background gives the illusion that more is to come also.

I chose this photo because it wasn't laid out conventionally, the Rule of Thirds was used in this photo to make sure that the character was not placed directly in the middle of the photo. The viewer can see building in the background behind the character which could be beneficial to the plot. The colour of the hair also matches with the bricks on the buildings which offers nice contrast.

I chose this image because it was balanced out well, by this I mean there is action on both sides of the photo. The photo is also clear which creates the narrative that there are clearly some issues to be worked out. Although there is a lot of unused space around the characters granted there is also good narrative.

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