Sunday 8 December 2013

Animatic Self Review

Within the group it is important that we each reflect and self review each others work. Breaking it down into 6 main parts which will make up the overall review.

Shot Length
The average shot length in Hollywood is 2.5 seconds so it was important to us to score the same or just over that to achieve a high quality finish. Our average shot length is 3 seconds, which is exeptable to complete our sequence, each shot does not equal that exact length they are all various length of clips. Its important to include a wide range of lengths as this creates variety in the clip.

Camera Movement
In my Animatic it is clear which shots are moving and which shots are static. You can tell which are which depending on whether a shot has arrows going across it or not. One of the tracking shots is also clearly demonstrated but the frame moving on in a sliding motion.

Sound Levels
The sound levels in my Animatic remains at a constant level although there are additional sounds that cut in here and there for example, a hand swatting noise or a clicking sound, sounds which are generally considered non dietetic and have been added manually. It was important that all these additional sounds fitted in well with the dialogue pieces. To do this we had to asses the volume level of each clip individually upon end review of the final Animatic. There was addiquit sound before and at the end of each sound clip for it to make sense and run smoothly.

Voice Acting
The voice acting that was featured and recorded by team members in the group was done to a professional standard. Although the majority of them sounds very convincing a few do not and some of the sounds even included additional sound at the end which do not need to be there. Our current actors will be sufficient to complete the rolls required.

In the Animatic it is clear where visual effects occur, although not so clear at first it soon becomes apparent and clear where they occur. Additional screen stage directions are also included in the frame if it is not so clear.

Peer Feedback
Additional peer feedback I received about my Animatic was very good, most comments including the fact the whole thing flowed well, it had a good pace and clearly showed each shot. Although the visual effects were not clear for a couple of people, they soon understood where they occurred.
Overall I received positive peer Feedback.

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