Monday 21 October 2013

Understanding Different Shot Types

When shooting video and pictures there are different types of shot which you can directly manipulate to create your ideal video or picture scenario and different editing techniques. Here are four briefly summarised.

Continuity Editing
Continuity Editing is a series of cuts made in footage to maintain conscientious. and clear narrative action by following a set of rules. Continuity Editing is basically editing to make sure everything is realistic and flows, for example a person walks smoothly through one shot into another with Continuity Editing.

180 Degree Rule
This rule is used to break down a scene and create a virtual line down a scene. The camera then keeps to one of the sides to ensure that the character or object highlighted is always in frame. The person or object shall always stay in frame. If they cross it is called "Crossing the Line".

Eyeline Match
 Eyeline Match is based on the premise that the audience will want to see what the character on-screen is seeing. The eyeline match begins with a character looking at something off-screen, followed by a cut to the object or person at which he is looking. For example, a man is looking off-screen to his left, and then the film cuts to a television that he is watching.

Match on Action
match on action is an editing technique used in conjunction with continuity editing in which one shot cuts to another shot portraying the action of the subject in the first shot. This creates the impression of a sense of continuity - the action carrying through creates a "Visual Bridge" which draws the viewer's attention away from slight cutting or continuity issues.

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